Advanced ecom lessons for true ecom experts- PART 1
“Spend when people want to buy”
A lesson no one takes to heart.
I talk to brands who just try to spend more every single month.
Thats dumb.
There is a natural rhythm to your business you should learn.
Sell flowers? Spend 100x more in May than july.
Find the natural peaks for your business and lean in harder than you think you should.
For every 100 basis points in natural conversion rate, double spend.
If you are a swimwear brand, if you convert at 1% in February spending 50k a month, but conversion rate in may is 3%, then in May you need to be spending at least 200k.
These are round numbers for math only, maybe your business can tolerate more?
Spend when people WANT TO BUY.
“Sell stuff people want”
You pay for attention.
No one cares about you or your product. You are selling shit, people love stuff they hate being sold. You are just a roadblock between them and the next funny video.
So sell stuff people want.
You have literally 1 second, 30 frames, to get someone interested in what you do.
Can you explain your better mousetrap in 30 frames?
Its why I always tell people not to sell wallets- people dont buy wallets.
Its so much easier to sell stuff to people who are in the market for that stuff.
Dont reinvent the wheel when people are looking for tires.
Just open a tire shop.
“Spend more”
Brands come to me all the time looking to scale.
“I think my agency sucks, my ROAS is 6x but we cant get spend to scale”
Yeah shut up and spend more.
Efficiency will go down, duh.
Change your business to deal with that fact.
Honestly- Entrepreneurs are some of the laziest fucking people ever.
Their agency wont tell them that, because they pay the agency.
Their employees wont tell them, because we hire people we agree with, not people who challenge us.
So I will tell them:
Your business needs to change and adapt every 6 months.
”Powering through” is survivorship bias bullshit.
I think back every day to how STUPID I was just 6 months ago.
That has happened for the past 5 years.
As soon as I stop looking back and cringing, I will either be Jeff Bezos or I gave up.
If you think your business fundamentals or strategy you set up 3 years ago is still correct, you are the dodo.
I think I have a reputation in this industry of being a wetblanket.
I just come in and yell about how YOU COULD BE DOING BETTER.
Thats just because I am trying to counterweight toxic positivity.
Crowds will cheer a brand right off a cliff.
Not to pick on them, but one example of this is Haus.
Everyone just celebrating publicly, no one offering the real support they needed.
I want peers who succeed.
I want a cohort I can commiserate with.
I dont get that if all you bastards implode.
So I write all this, on a Saturday night, to challenge you to think critically about your business.
What are you overlooking and what is your biggest threat?
The wallet (and ring) salesman.
You are an (ecom) god amongst mere mortals.