I am an extremist.
I am the guy standing on the corner, yelling about how the world is ending.
Why? idk it is a lot more fun I guess lol
But really- Business, in its default state, is the second hardest thing humans can do.
It should be incredibly difficult to make money.
A ten year bull run that ended in free money excess diluted people’s thinking.
No one has a right to be successful.
VC propaganda about “raising money and changing the world” told a narrative that is untrue and foreign to over 99% of businesses.
You need to make revenue.
You need to turn a profit on that money.
Things actually get harder at scale, not easier.
I wrote two pieces on how/why ecom is over:
The first- Death of the 10 million dollar brand, in 2020.
The second- "An Unbiased Case Study in Scaling to $100M” was a talk I did at ECF live.
I wont link it, but somewhere on that website is a 45 minute video of me sweating on stage in front of 400 people.
Both of these are bold overstatements that paint a depressing picture on the future of ecom.
Why am I so negative about an industry that has made me rich, famous, and handsome?
Because everyone- agencies, vendors, SAAS sellers- are so fucking positive.
It is in there best interest if things keep going up.
What am I seeing and what does the future look like?
Ecom penetration is down YOY
Even if consumer spending as a whole is flat, there are less ecom dollars
But consumer DISCRETIONARY spending is down YOY
Take out travel, take out cost of living increases (food, gas, housing)
There are less dollars floating in the money tube to be grabbed
There are more merchants than ever
Shopifys numbers confirm that
Do the math.
Less dollars, less of those dollars online, more merchants.
Two ways to slow a car: Your breaks or a wall.
Feels like the industry chose the wall
Lets get into the data:
This was kicked off because of two things:
Triple whale shared data that shows ecom being destroyed.
I have access to about 50 brands and conversion rates are down 20-40% YOY.
But I ran a poll on twitter…
Do these results point to a global ecom crisis?
Well sort of…
50% of responders said profits are down YOY.
48% said sales are down.
Obviously not scientific, 200 votes lol.
But without a doubt, it will be the worst quarter ecom has ever scene.
So what would I do about it:
Its the same advice for my 2020 post
Build a business that can break even low to the ground
1.5x MER low
So for every dollar on marketing, you can pay yourself and all expenses off of $1.50 in revenue
Cut harder than you think you need too
Learn how to do more yourself
Not a good year for idea guys
Push back on manufactures, lenders, vendors
Ask for 50% cuts on everything, especially cogs
China is panicking right now btw
their options- play ball or lose 100% of your business when you go under
You are paying for things you dont need, stop
Shopify, email, ads
Seriously what the fuck else do you need?
Never lose money acquiring a customer
LTV isnt real if your business has 6 months to live
“but thats impossible on facebook”
Then get off facebook
Stop being lazy and sell your fucking product
What did people do before facebook?
tradeshows, billboards, forums, community, whatever
It being hard isnt a reason for you to stop
Do you want to be an entrepreneur or not?
Got off your ass and learn how to make your business succeed
Because I wont do it for you
Everyone wants to be rich.
Everyone hates having a boss.
Everyone wants to be recognized as smart.
You arent entitled to any of it.
Go out there and make it work.
It isnt a time for egos.
You will watch brands all around you implode.
Bigger, better brands. Like made.com
Now is the time to be unkillable.
Can never go wrong with cockroach mode
Unkillable!!! My new mantra